The Isekai Truck Drivers of Gilgamesh, known by their abbreviation ISKAI, own a strange mansion in the depths of the Empyreum. You've heard rumors of a yet undiscovered fishing hole located where that very same building lies.

Who belongs to ISKAI? What's going on over there? And just how critically acclaimed is their Free Company, anyway? Have they won any awards?


  • different dialogues based on who you meet first
  • one (1) spoiler for Heavensward
  • descriptions of the very real Isekai Truck Drivers' mansion
  • an immersive fc house you can go inside of the real final fantasy xiv
  • a Lalafell who is just as tall as a max-height Elezen
  • a dog you can feed a biscuit to
  • the power of friendship or something

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